1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Logo

Screenshot 49

2. Click Change logo and upload the image you want to use as your logo and hit Publish.

Screenshot 50

1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Logo

Screenshot 49

2. Now, type in your site’s title in the Site Title input. You can also type in a Tagline below to set your site’s tagline. Then hit Publish.

Screenshot 51

1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Logo

Screenshot 49

2. Now, Click Change image and upload the image you want to use as your site icon. We suggest to use an image that has a dimension of 512 by 512 pixels. Then hit Publish.

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1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Color

Screenshot 53
2. Here,  allow you to set default styling options (Color) for various elements or widgets.
Screenshot 54

3. This switcher Overwirte the Color for all widgets are used. And set the Default color as you set at Primary and Seconary Color.

Screenshot 55

4. Set Primary & Secondary Color.

Screenshot 56

5. Set Gradient backgrounds and hit Publish.

Screenshot 57

1. Go to  Appearance > Preloader Options 

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2. By Defalut Preloader is Active for All Pages. But if you want to deactive, OFF the Enable Preloader Switch.
Screenshot 59

3. You can also select preloader for all Pages or Only for Home Page.

Screenshot 60

4. Now, Click Change image and upload the image you want to use as your as Preloader.

Screenshot 61

3. Now choose the Preloader image size and background color. Then hit Publish.

Screenshot 62
Screenshot 63
1. Go to  Appearance > Layout Options 
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2. Here,  allow you to set Container Width.

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2. Here,  allow you to set Layout Style for all dynamic pages.
Screenshot 67